Other Medical and other Helps for Depression, Bipolar Disorder or other mental illness in Singapore

Other Medical and other Helps for Depression, Bipolar Disorder or other mental illness in Singapore

In Singapore
If you are in Singapore, and you are suffering from Depression, Bipolar Disorder, or some form of similar mental disorders, or you know of someone suffering thus, and need medical and counselling help, do consider contacting the following to see if they can be of help, besides praying and supporting your friend or loved ones.

If you or someone is suicidal, please know that this is an emergency situation and there is hope and help. Please call 999 or see other emergency contact numbers below under number 4).

1) For Medical Help - For diagnosis and medical help
i) Private Psychiatrist
Dr Pauline Sim
Consultant Psychiatrist
L P Clinic Pte Ltd
Provides psychological services for adults and children
Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre
3 Mount Elizabeth Suite #05-01
Singapore 228510
Tel: (65) 6735-4526
Fax: (65) 6735-4527
Consultation Hours:
Mon - Fri : 8.30am - 5.30pm
Sat: 8.30am - 1.30pm
Sun & PH : Closed
After Off Hrs: (65) 6535-8833

i) Hospital
- Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH)
- National University Hospital (NUH)
- Institute of Mental Health (IMH)
- Changi General Hospital (CGH)
- Singapore Association for Mental Health (SAMH)

2) For Counselling Helps
i) Singapore Association for Mental Health (SAMH)
Tel: 1800-2837019 (Mon to Fri: 9.00am to 1pm, 2pm to 6pm)

ii) Institute of Mental Health (IMH)
Tel: (65) 6389-2222 or 6389-2000

iii) Counselling & Care Centre
Block 536 Upper Cross Street
#05-241 Hong Lim Complex
Singapore 050536
Tel: (65) 6536-6366
Fax: (65) 6536-6356
Email : info@counsel.org.sg
Webwsite : www.counsel.org.sg
iv) Association of Christian Counsellors of Singapore
c/o 422-A Telok Blangah Road
Singapore 098848 (Near Grace Methodist Church)
Tel: 6274-7480 Fax: 62760024
Email: info@accs.org.sg
Website: http://www.accs.org.sg/

3) 24 Hours Hotline - Samaritans of Singapore
Call: 1800-221-4444 (24-hr hotline)
Email: pat@samaritans.org.sg.

4) In time of emergency, especially when there is suicidal thoughts or tendency, please do the following without delay as the sufferers life may be in danger:
a) Police
Call: 999
b) Ambulance
Call: 999 / 911 / 995
c) Institute of Mental Health
Buangkok Green Medical Park
10 Buangkok View, Singapore 539747
Tel : 6389 2000
Fax : 6385 1050
General Enquiries General Enquiries enquiry@imh.com.sg
Quality Service (Toll-Free): 1800-3864541
Emergency Help Line (24 Hours): (65) 6389-2222
Outpatient Appointment (65) 6389-2200
Email: imh_appt@imh.com.sg
Admission Enquiries: (65) 6389-2003/4
Billing Enquiries: (65) 6389-2016/7/8
Behavioural Medicine Clinic
(8am - 12.30pm, Mon)
(8am – 4.30pm, Tue – Fri)
Tel: (65) 6474-4872 Fax: (65) 64756475
Health Promotion Board Building
(8am – 5pm, Mon – Fri) Tel: (65) 6534-5366 Fax: (65) 6534-3677
Geylang Polyclinic
(8am - 4.30pm, Tue - Fri) Tel: (65) 6746-5171 Tel: (65) 68484579
Child Guidance Clinic
IMH Clinic B
(8am – 5.30pm, Mon – Thu)
(8am - 5pm, Fri)
Tel: (65) 6389-2200 Fax: (65) 6385-1075
Health Promotion Board Building
(8am – 5pm, Mon – Fri) 64353878
Tel: (65) 64353879 Fax: (65) 6534-3677
Sayang Wellness Clinic
IMH Sayang Wellness Clinic
(8am – 5.30pm, Mon – Thu)
(8am - 5pm, Fri)
Tel: (65) 6389-2200 Fax: (65) 6385-1075

Hope the above helps! Remember that there is help and hope. You are not alone. Call someone.