I am NOT different - Comic Strip Singapore mental illness - mental health problems

Singapore and mental illness help

I am NOT different - Comic Strip

1. Individuals suffering from mental health problems are no different from you and me.
2. Individuals who may be suffering from mental health problems should be advised to seek help immediately. There is no shame in seeking treatment to improve ones quality of life.

Hotline for Mental Health Illness in Singapore:

SOS - Samaritans of Singapore 1800-221 4444 (24 hours)
Singapore Association for Mental Health 1-800-2837019
SAMH Counselling Services 1800-2837019
Mount Elizabeth - Charter Helpline 1-800-7389595
Institute of Mental Health 6389 2222
Family Service Centre 1800 838 0100
Caregivers' Association of the Mentally Ill 6782 9371

Other information source:

1. Singapore association of mental heath: http://www.samhealth.org.sg/
2. Silver ribbon ( Singapore) http://www.silverribbonsingapore.com/
3. Institute of mental health hospital http://www.imh.com.sg/

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